Ryan McMahan, the CEO and project leader QuantumCode , shares his perspective on his company, DeFi and STO.
BitCourier: Tell us about the creation of your project.
Ryan: Unified society stemmed from usde which was created in 2013 and was very popular, in 2017 our team took over the project and formed unified society.
in 2021 we designed and formed USX Quantum.
BitCourier: Who is your target audience?
Ryan: We are targeting investors that are ready to get in early on the future of blockchain.
BitCourier: What value do you offer people?
Ryan: Our coin will be the forefront for the next generation of blockchain technology, Quantum blockchains will utilize the next level of encryption, Quantum encryption. sha256 will become obsolete when quantum computers become more available bitcoin hashes its blockchain with this. everyday we hear about new discoveries with quantum tech. its only a matter of time.
BitCourier: Did COVID 19 affect your business, how did you adapt?
Ryan: Nope
What does it take to become a ‘Hot Project” in 2022?
Ryan: It seems retail is targeting NFT tokens, game tokens and DEFI.
Our goal with this project is to have an ACTUAL use case and utilize the large availability of Defi launchpads
BitCourier: Can you tell us about an accomplishment you are most proud of?
Ryan: We are most proud of being a reliable and trusted community in the crypto space, We have stuck around since 2017 and have done everything we can to maintain our integrity
BitCourier: I wonder if you have UK-based projects in your portfolio? Do you plan to get any?
Ryan: I do not, No matter where a project is located I believe if the fundamentals are good its worth investing in.